Thursday, April 15, 2010

What as that?!

Sometimes Kayla sets Ben up for a mess.

DH and I were watching TV in the family room, Kayla had cartoons on in our room and Ben was in there with her..... or so I thought.

I heard a 'splash.' I hit mute and sat for a minute. Nothing. I knew it was Ben. I peeked around the corner and saw that Kayla had left the bathroom door open after she went pee (she knows better and again, usually shuts the door).
Ben was, well he was messy. He emptied the roll of toilet paper into the toilet. Then he decided it should be emptied. He started to pull the yucky tp out of the toilet. When I went in there he came running to me, crying because he knew he was in trouble. We got him dissinfected (I think people are starting to understand why I have disinfectant alllll over the house).

It was, gross.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In the South

It rains. It rains a lot. After all, they don't get any snow here.

Benji has never really seen/felt rain. He was tiny last summer and was never 'out' in the rain. Then it snowed all winter. So he certainly doesn't remember the rain or what it is.

It rained today, a lot! It poured, then it sprinkled, then it stopped, then it rained lightly, then it poured again. We had to run to the store to get a few things. When we got there it was raining lightly. No big deal. It was almost 80 and while coming down, it wasn't pouring. I headed out with Ben in arms and Kayla by my side. Ben looked at me for a minute, then threw his hands over his head trying to block the rain! Some pilots were walking by and couldn't stop laughing. I ran inside laughing.

We came back out and Ben was in the shopping cart that DH was pushing. He threw his hands back of his head. This time he put his head down and started to cry!! I couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't a painful cry or a scream, but a 'poor me. why me?' kind of cry. It was hilarious.

We got home and when we got out of the car he again covered his head and started to pout. It was too cute. I took a picture of him to share with you guys, I'll get it posted later on.

At least if you cry in the rain no one can see you right?!

The boy is fast

We are still stuck in a tiny hotel room. Not for long, but still stuck nonetheless.

Kayla is REALLY good about 'clearing' her area after she eats. I normally don't even need to check on her area as she just cleans it up. Two nights ago I gave her a pudding cup. She ate it and went to bed. I thought she had thrown it away when she finished.

Yesterday life went on as normal. I gave the kids breakfast and then lunch. I was sitting on the couch chatting with a friend yesterday afternoon. Benny had just gotten up from his nap and was playing in the family room area (where I was). The bar/island for the kitchen is HUGE and obnoxious. The kitchen and family room are all one big room, with this huge ugly bar cutting the kitchen in 2/3. Ben was playing next to the bar, where I could see and hear him. I turned my head for I would say about 5 - 8 seconds. It was long enough for Benny! He reached up and snatched the chocolate pudding cup off the counter. He pulled out the spoon and threw it on the floor (there's now pudding on the floor), he started to dig out the putting with his fingers and eat it.

That boy was able to make a HUGE mess in just 5 seconds!!! With a pudding cup that was almost empty!

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